Boomerrrang: Book/Guest Speaking Reviews Coming In

Caleb Woodhouse,from Rhode Island, writes: “Boomerrrang! What a great read. I am all admiration for your knowledge, your readiness to learn, your resourcefulness, and your great spunk…There’s loads of wisdom for me to gather about moving (if ever I should try), but I assure you I’ll not be a do-it-yourselfer. ***I appreciate his appreciation of […]

Boomerrrang’s Theme

People ask: So what’s your new book, Boomerrrang, about? I tell them: It’s simple. My book tells how to SELF-ADVOCATE…how to get what you want, whether it’s dealing with medical staff (on the heels of a crisis), interacting with buyer/seller of property, or deciding where you want to live. It’s all the same thing…really. My […]

Boomerrrang: If You’ll Be a Buyer/Seller of Property, Anywhere, You’ll Want This Book

He lay in the ICU of a top Asheville, North Carolina hospital, in a medically-induced coma, his head wrapped in heated towels to ward off the chills. His partner’s daughter observed:  “Lying there, wrapped in that turban, he looks like ET (the lovable extra-terrestrial from the movie by the same name). At the same time, […]

Why You Need a Realtor

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_post_title _builder_version=”3.0.92″ title=”on” meta=”off” author=”on” date=”on” categories=”on” comments=”on” featured_image=”off” featured_placement=”below” text_color=”dark” text_background=”off” title_font_size=”42px” /][et_pb_post_nav _builder_version=”3.0.92″ in_same_term=”off” show_prev=”on” show_next=”on” /][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”2_3″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.0.92″ background_layout=”light”] I spent 8 years as a professional realtor. It was heady, indeed, since I’d left the profession of teaching, after 30 years, at a top salary of $43,000. In my 5th […]